Blog Archives

Your 100% and the “get fit” wagon

The first month of workouts is behind us.  We are looking at about 16 more weeks till the weather warms up enough that people will be going outside and feeling self-conscious about their well-being.  By the time February rolls around and you hit the Superbowl, most people fall off the “get fit” wagon.

January 1st we measured in Body Fat % and total inches on our waist here at the studio.  After 4wks I expect around 4lbs-8lbs weight loss average and 2″-4″ inches lost as well.

Today we start to measure out and after this week I will set a different measurement  for next month.  I have already promised a few that we would track Hips so after Feb, getting closer to the March madness we will be working out to burn some extra body fat and measure our hips to see what results we can get.

It takes effort

great effort = great results



Why this personal trainer never gives his clients a DIET

bc I don’t like diets  -a diet is what you are, not what you do.

When people start a typical weight loss program, they “go on a diet,” most people make it a physical event where they stop eating cakes, cookies, pizza, and any other so called “bad” food for a period of time.  Some people “on a diet” will turn the other cheek to certain foods they love while deep down inside they are about to die because they want a doughnut so bad!!

If you are on a diet, STOP!!

People who are in shape and have a good percentage of body fat don’t “diet”

You have to learn how to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy, you don’t know what you don’t know

Here’s a short list of  healthy foods – I hope there is something you like

You vs.You

One of the hardest things to grasp for some people is the “diet” part of losing body fat weight

I have it broken down for you over 10 days that I can assure you will succeed

It’s you vs. you & I’m on your side

GT Fitness – 3 Rules for Weight loss – Get Toned

If your goal is to lose weight, particularly Fat weight then remember these 3 rules

1. Body Awareness
2. Metabolism
3. Measured Results

You won’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been

1. Body awareness – being accountable for what you put in and take away from your body

2. Metabolism – your body’s ability to burn Fat, Sugars & Carbohydrates

3. Measured Results – you have to measure your body and training program every 4-6wks to track progress and make the essential changes that are needed to progress & achieve your desired goals

GT Food Challenge – the Last 3 Days

I wish that I could help people who struggle with Obesity more efficiently than telling them to eat more fruits and vegetables, but that’s all I did to lose -5lbs in 8days – this is not a diet, this is life

GT Fit: Tools in your Tool bag to Progress Weight Loss

Want to progress  your weight loss?  Try adding some tools to your tool bag

1. Looking in the mirror ( yes you can flex ladies) 
2. taking pictures every week
3. measurements and re-measure
4. How your clothes fit
5. What your friends and colleagues say about you when they see you again
6. comments from strangers
7.  your total weight that is body fat lbs 
9. your total weight that is lean muscle tissue  lbs
10. Your body fat percentage (most important for women, not total weight)

You have to have a way to measure & track progress.  I personally like to see my performance go up in my workouts but some people love to look at the numbers to see change.  Doesn’t matter how you look at it but when  friends and strangers make comments about you getting in shape then you know you are doing something.

Best part about that is you will motivate them to be fit too!!!

GREAT NEWS – she listened and WON!! the “science” of Weight Loss(-4lbs)


Had a consultation the other day and I applied the latest research on sugar I learned just days before to a client that had hit a 4wk plateau in weight loss.

She lost 8lbs and 6 inches the first 6wks  (see video) but didnt lose anything the last 4wks.  I looked at her nutrition and made a 300 calorie suggestion on her intake and talked to her about the SUGAR she was consuming in her diet.  For her the changes were simple bc I knew where her metabolism was and what the  “science” of her body was telling us.

1 week later, 2 days before she leaves for the beach during Fall Break, she messaged me on FaceBook and said that it worked and she is down 4lbs MORE!!!


Body scale – tracks your weight using WiFi Internet

Image via Wikipedia

Track your weight with WiFi using this scale and a smart phone.  Everytime you weigh it downloads  your weight and keeps track of it.

  1. out of sight out of mind – still weigh and forget about
  2. Affordable: $160
  3. GREAT for the “Public Humiliation Diet” (a weight-loss program which enlists one’s friends and sometimes the public at large in keeping a dieter on track)
  4. Practical – I have to justify my purchases and this makes since to me

There you go – I am seriously considering buying one for the studio.

watch the demo here

Want to lose some weight – don’t tell your best friend

People start new weight loss programs every 4-6 weeks.  This video uses examples of weight loss goals I see every day in my studio.

People love to please themselves, and they just feel better about starting a new program.  Others give it a 110% all or nothing and blow out in 3 wks, yet some  feel better by telling people they found a better way.

I love to share my goals aloud also, it allows me to alter my short-term goals and stay in line with my long-term focus, although I see his point.  The only thing that matters in weight loss is that you continue on a path that allows you immediate success so that you too can focus on the long-term healthy weight goal.

Any thoughts? Let me know

After hitting on a brilliant new life plan, our first instinct is to tell someone, but Derek Sivers says it’s better to keep goals secret. He presents research stretching as far back as the 1920s to show why people who talk about their ambitions may be less likely to achieve them. (

Are you first or last? This race is for Life

What did you do today?  Was it spent doing something that you want to do or something you had to do?  What did your friends and family do with their time?

Life has us going in all different directions throughout day and night that we sometimes forget about ourselves.  We put other peoples priorities first and neglect our own, by the end of the day we are out of time and energy.  If we were to rank priorities where would you put yourself, first or last?

If you were to put yourself as a first priority and really focus 30-50 mins (out of a 24 hr day) most days of the week to your health and fitness what could you accomplish?

If you become stronger, faster, and leaner, what couldn’t you accomplish?