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Why do you want to lose weight?


I don’t care what you weigh and I’m the personal trainer that tells you that the first day you come workout with me

There are a few different types of weight on your body

  • hair
  • shoes
  • clothes
  • water
  • food
  • muscle
  • fat


Most people going to the gym go to lose weight, but its not about what you weigh

When we workout we want to burn fat and build muscle.  Muscle has weight too

Ever hear somebody say “Muscle weighs more than fat?”

They are WRONG – 5lbs of muscle weighs 5lbs, 5lbs of Fat weighs 5lbs right?

We want to increase our weight in muscle bc when we workout our muscle burns fat, the more muscle we have the more fat we burn when we workout

So why do you want to lose weight?

5 things you should know about protein powder

Proteins is what muscle is made of, and when you break down protein you get amino acids.

What protein powder do you use?

Was it on sale or recommended by the salesperson at the store or the beefcake at the gym?

Is it from a reputable company?

Here’s 5 things you need to know or think about before buying and ingesting protein powder

1.   20g of protein per serving is enough, any more than that will be converted to triglycerides and stored as fat

2.  there are only a few company’s that actually manufacture all protein powders sold in the US – they sale that powder to smaller companies like myself and we put on our label and call it whatever we want, here a few examples




3.  When protein is manufactured in the USA our FDA requires it to be “pasteurized” or heated – the heating kills germs, bacteria and changes the molecular structure of the protein and it loses some  of its benefit and absorption rate

4.  GMO laws are less strict in the USA – most manufacturers want to make a profit so they go for the cheapest “protein source” GMO is big business and makes the most profit margins so most the proteins used are from cheap, genetically altered cows or animals

5.  The only reason to even take extra protein is for the amino acids –  the major source of amino acids from manufacturers is Keratin, the cheapest source they can find is from hair, nails, claws, and animal fur!!!


My point is next time you run out of protien powder and go back to the store to get more, the salesperson will probably show you something better than ever before!!

HAHA, HAHA, HAHA yeah right!!

It’s the same BS you bought last time but with a different colored label

Check yourself before you wreck yourself (your kidneys and liver will last longer)


What people don’t realize about cardio, New Years workouts

end of the month finishing up with Burprees and Press Challenge – it has been a progressive challenge this month and all around and I am very happy with everybody’s effort – I have been talking about the holiday foods and eating too much since Nov 1st and when you put in a great month of training with more weights and cardio like we have been doing then you really get to utilize that extra food energy and build your metabolism which will be very important when we get to May June and July bc then you get to show yourself off!! So while all the whimps are complaining about how fat and miserable they are the next two months and not working out or eating like they should, you don’t have to say anything to them

JUST FLEX and they will get the point

For people who like to run and do cardio workouts

I get bagged on a lot bc I’m a trainer who doesn’t like to do running workouts or run for fun.  Now I’m not into bodybuilding or power-lifting either (I’m a shrimp at 5″6″ 160lbs 10% body fat)  but I do appreciate people who do whatever workout it is they like to do.

I just want to help people realize their goals and help them work smarter, not harder to get where they want to be

The difference for people who like to run and do running workouts is the energy systems their body uses to get the workout done.  Its different from lifting weights.

Running is “Aerobic” (with oxygen) which utilizes fat for energy and the muscle remains catabolic in the long run.

These are people who run a lot





London marathon runners at the start line

There’s a few common things all these runners have here

  1. they run A LOT!!
  2. they burn a lot of FAT
  3. they are very lean

Nothing wrong with that, your body will respond to what ever training you give it or put it through.  Just work smarter not harder to achieve your goals


If you have any questions about my philosophy or post please let me know

How’s your attitude?

Your attitude about working out can be many things depending on how you feel and think

  • fun
  • proactive
  • committed
  • consistent
  • positive
  • courageous
  • can do
  • interested
  • optimistic
  • successful
  • result oriented

I believe these attitudes can be taught and can be learned if your willing to put forth the effort and make the change.

Answer this first – are you willing to make the change and accept responsibility it takes to make that change?

Only you can do that, the workout is just a workout

I’ve made my passion for fitness and helping people workout my career and if you appreciate this post please share or tell somebody that needs to be motivated to get off the couch and GET TONED!!


Training for your body type – Endomoprhs

I teach about 3 distinct body types when I meet new clients or when people have questions about their body fat.  Knowing what your body type is and how to eat, train, and sleep accordingly is one of the most important and most overlooked aspects of personal training and getting in shape.


We all lift weights, we all do cardio, we all participate in the same 5k’s but what sets us apart is how we train and what training our body type responds too.  Endomorphs need to focus on bigger sets, with more intensity and a fast training pace

Having good nutrition is of course important too, endomorphs need to focus on eating more fruits and vegetables, more complex carbs and more lean high quality protein.   YOU have to cut out the junk food and sweets because the endomorph body type easily converts extra calories to stored energy, and that is not what we want to do!!

Workout programs, diets, and personal trainers fail because people do not eat & train for their body type, what they do is train by doing something somebody else already did and think it will work bc its in the magazine or on t.v

We are what we eat

Being a personal trainer my main focus and most enjoyment comes from doing workouts and helping people build strength and confidence in their own body and abilities.

On the flip side you can’t workout good and eat bad, nutrition is paramount in everything we do.  You can’t outwork a bad diet, if you don’t eat right you wont maximize gains/

Taking a positive approach let me say that the eating part for me is the easiest, but for most my clients it’s where they fall short and have the biggest problem.

If we eat too much or too little our body will store fat.  Eat more calories and lift weights the body will want to build muscle. Skip meals & you increase cortisol production and store more body fat. Eat light & often you can keep your thermogenic burn going and keep your metabolism revved up throughout the day.

The trick is then to eat lite, eat often with lean high quality protein, fruits & vegetables, seeds and nuts with good fats

We are what we eat, What are you?

Personal Training 101: great clients make great trainers

GT Fitness client review

Use it or lose it


Working smarter is way better than working harder.

When it comes to fat burning building muscle is the easiest way to burn more fat, that’s the smart way to do it – doing cardio trains your body to store fat for longer cardio sessions

If you don’t work and build your muscle then you will lose it and the ability to burn more fat

Gaining weight is better than losing weight – always

Think about it this way – when you start a new workout program to lose “body fat” you are focused on a number like -5lbs, -10lbs,

“I want to lose -20lbs then I will be ok”

Try this instead, focus on how much stronger you are getting in the gym, look at the 5lbs weights you are lifting with your arms, You will look a lot better when you can lift 20lbs with those arms!!

It’s hard to get your body in shape if you don’t lift weights and do things to make the muscles work and shape up.  Cardio alone (walking, jogging, biking) won’t get it done sufficiently as weights and cardio combined will

I believe strong is the new skinny and by gaining more strength lifting weights you will help burn more calories and lose the body fat which is whats really wanted, a lower overall BF%
