Blog Archives

How’s your attitude?

Your attitude about working out can be many things depending on how you feel and think

  • fun
  • proactive
  • committed
  • consistent
  • positive
  • courageous
  • can do
  • interested
  • optimistic
  • successful
  • result oriented

I believe these attitudes can be taught and can be learned if your willing to put forth the effort and make the change.

Answer this first – are you willing to make the change and accept responsibility it takes to make that change?

Only you can do that, the workout is just a workout

I’ve made my passion for fitness and helping people workout my career and if you appreciate this post please share or tell somebody that needs to be motivated to get off the couch and GET TONED!!


3 reasons to workout in the “heat”

trying to make sense of

“hot yoga”

“sweat suits”

“85F studios & garage workouts”

and why you see people exercising in the hottest part of the day

Something we can do together

Being alone at the gym is no fun.  If you are like me you  want to get in and get a good workout but also like to see and interact with people.  Walking around aimlessly not knowing what to do is the worst feeling.

If you show up regularly you will see the same people doing the same exercises each and every time .  You will see guys doing arm curls, some other guys doing bench & shoulder press.  Most the girls are on the elliptical & treadmills or over on the side doing some Ab machines.

When I was a personal trainer at the gym I would see new people all the time walk around not knowing what to do or even how to work the machines and if they did spend 20-30mins doing something they could have done a few more specific things to get more calorie burn out of their time.  It was my job to help these people but It came with a price.

Personal trainers  usually charge by the hour ($30-$99)  and its hard for every day people to pay that kind of price to put their body through some pain.  I enjoy group training bc its more fun to be with others and we can feed off each others energy.

I believe in a “results oriented environment” and that you can do more and learn more with other like minded individuals completing tasks and reaching goals together.

My goal is to take people that work out alone in the gym, or those that aren’t for sure what to do and  provide them a place they can come to and know that after a few weeks or months that they have the opportunity to accomplish their goal, accomplish something that is real and can help their own health and well-being

That’s better than working out alone, and that’s something we can do together

Hot fitness trends for 2013 in Bowling Green, Ky (and the not so hot)

End of the year I like to look back and see what has been trending and what has faded.  Our market here in BG  has a slight lag time to it but that’s quite alright.  I keep up with other markets in bigger cities always looking to see what’s out there.

1. Certified, Educated fitness professionals – more people are graduating college and getting certified through the American College of Sports Medicine & making their way through the industry.  As the field grows the quality of help will get better and away from the ex-football players, and surgeons, physical therapist  owning fitness facilities

2. Strength training – as we develop more qualified trainers in BG we will have better outlets for strength training.  Many women are still scared of gaining strength because they don’t want to get “too big” I still laugh when they say that to my face but as people learn the benefits of strength training on their bone density, heart & lung strength, and the ability to help your immune system stave off disease like obesity, heart attack, stroke and cancer, they will become more in to it and want to get stronger too

3.  Body weight training – this is a great trend that I welcome and participate in fully myself at the studio.  The rise of popular dvd’s at home like Insanity, P90x workouts have helped garner much attention to this type of training.  As people learn more about fitness the dvd gives people a place to start in their home where they won’t be as embarrassed to workout like they would be in a gym

4.  Children Obesity – this is a very important one.  Children today are for the first time expected to die sooner than our generations before.  Obesity and processed foods, and lack of physical activity is contributing to increased death rate.  Kids today have clogged arteries like 40yr olds and all bc of their lifestyle.  Sad thing is that they get it honestly from their own parents who are ticking heart attack and stroke bombs just waiting to happen as well

5. Fitness Programs for Baby Boomers – as they grow older having programs for them is a must.  They are mostly retiring with more income and wanting to spend their money wisely.  The idea used to be retire to Florida, but with the economy now staying closer to home is more viable

6.  Personal training – of course I’m bias on this one but I believe the future of health and fitness will get away from going to the big gym & doctor and be more about going to your personal trainer so you don’t get sick or broken down in the first place!!

7. Functional fitness – this class is great and Allison does a wonderful job at BGBYBC doing various workouts that involve people training and working out different muscle groups to improve daily living functions

8.  Core training – the core consist of all the muscles in the lower back and Abs.  Always important and most back pain is caused by tight hamstrings anyways so focusing on the core area with stretching will be a big deal in 2013

9.  Group personal training – this is my bread and butter with my business.  Having the benefits of a personal trainer in a small group you still get the personal attention and save big bucks on group pricing

10.  Work-site health promotions – this going to be one of my bigger focuses on 2013 as well.  I have a couple of little programs I want to implement but I have to get out and start doing instead of talking about it.  These programs take the fitness benefits to your work so you don’t have to dedicate time after work. When the employer is on board and making these programs accessible, everybody in the company wins

That was my quick rundown of what will be hot 2013 – here’s my short list of whats not so hot or fading in 2013

1. Zumba – great for dance enthusiasts but with the saturation and competition from instructors they are racing to the bottom with cheaper pricing and loss of value & importance of what it’s all really about

2. Spinning – not as popular as in the 1980’s and with the increase of prostate and back issues this class is fading

3. Sports specific training – just coming to BG (D1) as a “business venture” to some affluent folks here I believe it will not last because our market isn’t quite big enough at their current price point

4. Physicians referrals – more physicians are paying more money for college and specializing in specific disease – Without “sick”
people coming to their office they wont have money to pay bills so helping people be pro-active and preventing disease is not their forte

5.  Yoga – still one of my personal favorites for stretching and relaxing the weight loss benefits just aren’t there.  Hot Yoga is great but only a specific clientel participate in that environment and it’s not for everyday people.  it’s too hot, to sweaty and scantily clad for most

Any questions, comments or concerns please let me know

It’s personal training

Saw this pic and its another reminder to myself about what I do day in and day out.

I love personal training & feel its my job to help people do what they don’t want to so they can achieve something they want (like a healthy body, mind and spirit)

That’s what I want – the trick for me is to find out what you really need & to help you get what you want

New Year, Busiest Time for a Personal Trainer

Start of 2012 has been great!!

We have been busy down at the studio and already dropped -28lbs the first week of workouts.  That’s a good start and up from last year in 2011 we dropped close to -1000lbs with the WONDERFUL help of Mrs Laura Williams  and her -100lbs results (all by herself)

I have also been hanging with The Robin Shea Show & Southern Fried Fitness  every Tues from 10-11am central talking with her and some wonderful guests about the 80/20 split which is “80% healthy lifestyle and 20% indulgence and 100% southern!!”

This is my first post in quite some time and along with the stuff happenings at the studio, I have recently moved into my first house which has taken up more time.  The house is within 1.5 miles from the studio so if you ever need a quick workout I’m close and ready to go

I am thankful to be busy training bc my real fear is to have to get a real job!!

Know Your Body Type: Measure and Re-Measure

Holiday season is here and people’s focus will shift back to how overweight they are what they’re going to do about it.  When you go to the office parties and family dinners you will see and hear everyone’s excuse for their poor physical health.

If you are currently working out alone then now is the time you want to have your body measured.  Take the time to measure hips, thighs, abs, chest and arms and if you can have a Fit Coach assess your body fat composition.  Knowing what body type you have (endomorph, ectmorph, mesomorph) and how your body fat and muscle mass is distributed is the key to formulating a workout routine that will yield RESULTS

Measuring is the time when you can critique how your training program is fairing.  You don’t know where you are going if you don’t know where you been.  You have to obtain measuring points so you can compare.  Comparisons will help you determine the course of action for the next 4-6wks.  Adjustments will have to be made to nutrition intake and workout regime in order for the body to respond and adapt the positive changes you working towards.

If you have never measured or want to be re-measured schedule a time with me Monday – Friday a.m. or p.m.

Get measured – Get results

When you go to your Christmas party, they will have lots of questions for you!!

What form of exercise do you enjoy the most?

Does this exercise increase your “efficiency” to burn carbohydrates and fat over time?

Do you eat more calories (fruits&vegs) now than before and still lose body fat?

Does the exercise you enjoy most make you see a difference in your metabolism?

Exercise is can be any structured physical activity.

You don’t need a 12 – month gym membership for that.

Go out and do something FUN!!


PMS – my physical, mental & social philosophy

I just met two new clients today, a mother and daughter, after our hour and half consultation/workout it got me thinking about my philosophy of life or PMS

P- physical

M- mental

S- social

PMS is the balance of life and well-being.  When people come to our studio to be trained by personal trainers they typically have an imbalance of PMS and are unhealthy in some way.  One or all of these aspects of health is out of whack and needs attention.

That’s what we do.

Our personal training studio addresses all three of these components and helps each person on an individual level.  We attack the physical and social realms because we maintain a “results oriented environment” guaranteed.  People train with us to get results, this is not a gym, this is a process.  WE workout together among friends and family to achieve better health and in-return we leave with a mental clarity that carries us onward.

You can be out of tune with life if you’re not focused on yourself, how can you help others if you can’t help yourself?

Running Apps Improve Performance

Navstar-2F satellite of the Global Positioning...

Image via Wikipedia

Summer season is full swing and now is the time to get out and enjoy life.  This time of year always takes us to the Dog Park to do our 1.9 mile runs.  We are currently meeting at 730 a.m. every morning and some of us use GPS apps like RunKeeper to keep track of progress.

There are several other apps out there to use and Nike+ has a good one as well.  They all have similar features and settings so choose the one that you like the best and stick with it.  Building a database of runs helps you track your progress on distance, speed, time, and calories burned.

The motivating part comes when you can look at your stats and see your improved performance overtime.  Trying to beat the last run is how you get better.

We all want to be healthy but most of us just want to look good and using a $2.99 running app is a cheap place to start.  Spend the change in your app store and put this on your phone for your next run.  This will help you get motivated and encourage you to workout even when you do not want to.

The run app never misses a workout.