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Why do you want to lose weight?


I don’t care what you weigh and I’m the personal trainer that tells you that the first day you come workout with me

There are a few different types of weight on your body

  • hair
  • shoes
  • clothes
  • water
  • food
  • muscle
  • fat


Most people going to the gym go to lose weight, but its not about what you weigh

When we workout we want to burn fat and build muscle.  Muscle has weight too

Ever hear somebody say “Muscle weighs more than fat?”

They are WRONG – 5lbs of muscle weighs 5lbs, 5lbs of Fat weighs 5lbs right?

We want to increase our weight in muscle bc when we workout our muscle burns fat, the more muscle we have the more fat we burn when we workout

So why do you want to lose weight?

Weight gain stress from a 15yr old

Mallory and her family have been coming to the studio for a few months now, this is part of her story about weight gain and weight loss

Society will find some part of you to call out. Whether it be your weight, your appearance, or the way you choose to live your life

Every female who workouts should watch this video

Don’t believe everything you see in workout/ fashion magazines

Real weight loss is Fat, not mass

Another 10 Day Food Challenge is coming to an end, and we will be measuring out to track progress.  I didn’t make the challenge up to be about losing weight, I made it to help people be more accountable & thoughtful about how they are eating to nourish thier body, as a result you WILL lose weight and inches compared to what you were doing before & it works!!

Average person will drop 3lbs.-5lbs. of mass in 10 days and lose 2″-4″ in the Abs & hips – that’s a significant difference for any body

Weight loss can be defined as MASS – mass can be divided up into water, fat, muscle, skin, hair, clothes, shoes, pants, so on and so on.   Losing the weight is easy if yo take off shoes, or starve yourself for a week, but losing FAT weight takes a little more effort

A 10 Day Food Challenge isn’t a cure all and the answer to all the weight problems but a way to get you focused and doing the little things that add up to real fat loss

Check out this picture of 2yrs weight loss, see the ups and downs, that how it works


Gimmicks & controlled weight loss

gimmicks are used during Holiday Season to help you lose weight and money from your pocket

the reason why you will lose more weight in 2014 – in one chart

the reason why you will lose more weight in 2014 – in one chart


with new fitness apps and social media you will want to fit in or be ahead of all your friends – you won’t want to be the one that looks lazy

Top 3 changes to burn more body fat

here is a poll we did on FB about losing body fat – the top 3 answers are on the board

Fitness Apps and setting your calorie goal

I am seeing people setting their calorie goals to low and there needs to be corrections made




What inquiring minds want to know about getting toned

Here is a list of hits I’ve gotten on my website up to this year and what topic people are coming to read about

I think this is great because I believe most people do not train or eat correctly for their body type and therefore they get frustrated and go on to just accept the fact they are overweight and give up doing anything about it

They quit the “healthy bandwagon”

Search Views
body types 8,517
body shape 1,072
body type 1,006
body image 673
body 621
male body types 270
fitspo 268
fat vs muscle 194


GT Food Challenge: Day 3

Today is my 3rd day of the challenge. I believe in 3’s.

It takes about 3 days of tracking daily caloric intake to get a good idea of what exactly it is that you eat.

My break down of nutrients looks like this so far


Three days is ample amount of time to see a significant amount of water retention lost after 72 hrs (3 days) of eating less carbs. On the third day this week we have 4 people -15lbs total (-3.75 a person) that’s a good sign of things to come

3 words I want to end with


That is how you get results in fat loss and in LIFE!!!

What changes have you seen in 3 days of the challenge?