Blog Archives

New workout: “KB500 – kick your butt core workout”

this Wed 5:30pm we will be starting another workout here at GT Fitness Studio – its a kickboxing workout designed to burn at least 500 calories using various forms of “martial art” style exercises focusing and attacking the core.

Steve-O will be here instructing the class with over 29yrs of martial art experience you will be guaranteed to kick, punch, and chop your way through this workout

It’s open registration ($10) , no contracts or memberships, just show up and get the workout!!

3 reasons to workout in the “heat”

trying to make sense of

“hot yoga”

“sweat suits”

“85F studios & garage workouts”

and why you see people exercising in the hottest part of the day

Glute, thigh & Ab specific challenge starting in June

In June we will begin a new challenge – we are using lunges and oblique crunches 2 days a week to target the strength and endurance of our hips, glutes,thighs & stomach area – guidelines will be up on Facebook and I will post the link when it starts

You will be able to participate by doing the reps and posting your number on the page to be official, we will also have a board up at the studio

More details to come – follow my GT page for other fitness related content

Holiday weight gain is over

gaining weight for 2012 is over – now 2013 is time to start getting in shape

If you don’t have a workout that’s a problem – if you joined a gym and don’t know what to do, that’s a problem

I used to work at a big gym and I was the “middle man” there – that was a problem for me as well


2013: The best and worst time to start working out

The final two weeks of the year is staring us right in the face.  Looking back you can see people places and things that touched your heart and flashes of memories that you want to vanish forever.  I myself have been blessed in 2012 and can’t wait to run through 2013.

The new year brings one of my favorite times for business, the “resolution”


1. the act or an instance of resolving
2. the condition or quality of being resolute; firmness or determination
3. something resolved or determined; decision
4. a formal expression of opinion by a meeting, esp one agreed by a vote
5. (Law) a judicial decision on some matter; verdict; judgment
6. the act or process of separating something into its constituent parts or elements

There’s the dictionary definition, take your pick.   When people hear the word they typically think of losing weight.

I think that’s fabulous.

I have worked at the big gyms, owned my own business and have been a personal trainer going on 12yrs, although I see and learn new things all the time, some things never do change, like people starting off the new year wanting to get in shape.

This by far is the best and worst time to start working out.

It’s best because people are motivated, ready and helped along by encouragement of family, peers, and co-workers, and without some support its hard to  be successful.

On the other-hand, it’s the worst time to workout, it’s crowded, time-consuming, and almost embarrassing for some because of how they have let their self go.

Bigger gyms won’t help

$15/24hr  gym won’t help

Diet pills wont help

Starving yourself won’t help

Working out 2 hrs a day wont help

The only thing that helps is YOU – you have to want to make a change and accept the responsibilities  that come with that change.

The best help is self-help – you are the motivation, the resolution, you are the reason  I have purpose and self fulfillment in my own life – thank you

Why I quit my job

I completed my Masters degree in 2003 and worked at the hospital here in Bowling Green till 2008.  I worked in cardiac rehab where people went to strengthen and rehabilitate after heart surgery.  During my time the heart doctors were performing over 380 open heart surgeries a year which is more than two-a-day sometimes, WOW!!!!

Most of the patients we had were over the age of 55 but some people trickled in under 50yrs old, I’m going all-in to say the younger generation will be having heart attacks and surgery at 35-40yrs because of the lifestyle our “society” has created.

Death in the "USHeart disease is the #1 killer among women and the population of the United States as a whole, more people die from heart problems than cancer & accidents combined.

Looking at the death list again,

  1. heart disease
  2. cancer
  3. stroke
  4. respiratory disease
  5. diabetes

These 5 things are contributed and complicated by OBESITY and the reason I quit my job at the hospital.  I want to help people before they get high blood pressure, before they have open heart surgery, before diabetes & cancer, before they go to the hospital, before they die!!

The only way I know how to help is to educate and show people how, I believe its my responsibility to throw it in your face and help you help yourself!!  Physical activity, eating healthy, and limiting tobacco use are three things we can do to help from having a heart attack, once you commit to my program you will find your own strengths and weakness in life,  you will know what needs to be done to make changes that make a difference to help you fight obesity.

I believe being born and living in KY we are at a disadvantage and already behind the 8-ball.  More premature deaths in our state than most others in the nation and its mainly because of our lifestyle,  education, and income level.  We need change, we need something else to help.  More money is spent on drugs and surgeries than ever before, in my opinion they are just doing a job, another day at work for the Doctors, lawyers & Insurance companies

I am ready to do something different

Lets get to work!!

We are giants – remember Pearl Harbor

“and I’m proud to be an American”

arizonaDecember 7, 1941


a date which will live in infamy” Roosevelt


my Cyber Monday 25% off training studio discount

Black Friday

Small Business Saturday

Cyber Monday

It was reported that $52 billion was spent last year and $59 billion this year for the mega-sell holiday weekend.

I haven’t bought anything as of yet, though that will change I’m sure

If you are looking for a deal on a place to workout that includes a trainer (no contracts) then check out my –25% off here

I have something for people who’ve never worked out with me  before and those of you looking to get started back again

This discount is my way to get you moving and burning calories, all you have to do is show up and I’ll take care of the rest

It’s personal training

Saw this pic and its another reminder to myself about what I do day in and day out.

I love personal training & feel its my job to help people do what they don’t want to so they can achieve something they want (like a healthy body, mind and spirit)

That’s what I want – the trick for me is to find out what you really need & to help you get what you want

Trigger points – a typical source for pain

So many people have pain in their neck, arms, shoulder and back.  Most have no idea where it comes from, nor do they care as long as somebody can help alleviate the pain they feel

Desk jockeys, physical labor, and plain sedentary activity can cause trigger points to flare, usually exercise, stretching or massage therapy can help, make no mistake pain is not normal and if you  can identify with this chart there is help available