Blog Archives

My solution to a fitness dilemma

Trying to solve a dilemma I have with my current fitness business

How can I teach more people to overcome the intimidation & fear factor  of coming to a “gym” or “group workout”  session?

With the influx on new “gyms” and “trainers” in BG awareness is at an all time high & better than ever.  People are wanting to go workout but are intimidated and scared to do it on thier own.  When they do muster up enough COURAGE to actually go then they don’t know what it is they should actually do.  The only thing they have to go by is watching what other people are doing, then mimicking.

Monkey see, monkey do!!

I grew up playing sports and being in out of gyms lifting, staying in shape with teammates and friends  was something we did daily.  Once I got to college I fell into Sports Medicine bc “exercise” was easy for me and once I completed my graduate degree I had a good understanding of how the human body moved and functioned and a grasp of what the hell I was actually doing and why I needed to do it.  So then I wanted to create an atmosphere were people could come to a gym and workout to get the results they wanted.

Now 2014 my biggest dilemma is with the aging population and the more people who get involved with working out, the emphasis needs to be more personal attention and not bigger gyms and workout groups, people get lost, feel even more intimidated and then create more fear and anxiety.

We have social media to help us connect and learn to cope with our fears and anxieties, when we get around like-minded individuals like ourselves things start to happen, hurdles get jumped, barriers get knocked down and the support spreads to others that need it too.

Whatever your fear of getting in shape or healthy is I would love to learn more about it and find a way to help you help yourself.  That’s what I am here for, and that’s why we have a small group studio and that’s my solution to a person’s fitness dilemma.  
I’ve had some great clients in the past and they can attest to what I’m saying, when they lose weight they get confident, when I teach them what I learned they get smarter, when I devote time & explain WHY you do this and not that the light bulbs start to go off.

The “ah-ha” moment, that’s when you know you got something!! That’s when people move on and go to the gym by them selves, they leave room for somebody to step up and take their place.

If you are the person who has fear about working out come by the studio and check us out, maybe we can teach you something too!!

Please message or contact me if you have any more questions


3 common fears people have about @gettonedfitness group training

3 common fears people have doing group workouts with us at the studio:

1. being yelled at, singled out and being made fun of

2. being the biggest most overweight person at the studio – the most out of shape

3.  afraid people will be “looking at them” and staring


No matter what gym you go to or workout you do, being in an uncomfortable situation and having fear about the workout process will hinder the efforts to lose body fat. Showing up to the gym and just working out in the first place can be hard enough,  find a group or place you are comfortable with, things will happen a lot easier after that




For people who like to run and do cardio workouts

I get bagged on a lot bc I’m a trainer who doesn’t like to do running workouts or run for fun.  Now I’m not into bodybuilding or power-lifting either (I’m a shrimp at 5″6″ 160lbs 10% body fat)  but I do appreciate people who do whatever workout it is they like to do.

I just want to help people realize their goals and help them work smarter, not harder to get where they want to be

The difference for people who like to run and do running workouts is the energy systems their body uses to get the workout done.  Its different from lifting weights.

Running is “Aerobic” (with oxygen) which utilizes fat for energy and the muscle remains catabolic in the long run.

These are people who run a lot





London marathon runners at the start line

There’s a few common things all these runners have here

  1. they run A LOT!!
  2. they burn a lot of FAT
  3. they are very lean

Nothing wrong with that, your body will respond to what ever training you give it or put it through.  Just work smarter not harder to achieve your goals


If you have any questions about my philosophy or post please let me know

#1 reason to lose weight and body fat

#1 Because YOU can!!!

Here are 10 reasons why you say you can’t

  1. I don’t have time
  2. I don’t have energy
  3. I don’t know what to do
  4. too lazy/scared to ask for help
  5. my Boss won’t let me
  6. good t.v. shows on
  7. my joints hurt
  8. my spouse/kids come first
  9. wont give up sugar/sweets
  10. I’m embarrassed of myself in front of people and too mentally/socially weak to change

Today’s the day to make your decision to change your lifestyle and habits.  It doesn’t have to happen in 3 days, give yourself time to make small changes that add up to big results.  Don’t wait for a health scare like diabetes, heart attack, stroke to get you going, make it happen NOW

the hardest part

the hardest part of getting in shape is getting started.  (once you pop you can’t stop), you just have to get started, that’s the hardest part

after work, after a long week, after my shows over, after vacation, after the holiday….

The hardest part is just getting started, I always tell people JUST SHOW UP to the gym, once you get there you will be fine

3 reasons to workout in the “heat”

trying to make sense of

“hot yoga”

“sweat suits”

“85F studios & garage workouts”

and why you see people exercising in the hottest part of the day

If this is (not for you)



but the gym thing might be your cup of tea – but its not for me

Something we can do together

Being alone at the gym is no fun.  If you are like me you  want to get in and get a good workout but also like to see and interact with people.  Walking around aimlessly not knowing what to do is the worst feeling.

If you show up regularly you will see the same people doing the same exercises each and every time .  You will see guys doing arm curls, some other guys doing bench & shoulder press.  Most the girls are on the elliptical & treadmills or over on the side doing some Ab machines.

When I was a personal trainer at the gym I would see new people all the time walk around not knowing what to do or even how to work the machines and if they did spend 20-30mins doing something they could have done a few more specific things to get more calorie burn out of their time.  It was my job to help these people but It came with a price.

Personal trainers  usually charge by the hour ($30-$99)  and its hard for every day people to pay that kind of price to put their body through some pain.  I enjoy group training bc its more fun to be with others and we can feed off each others energy.

I believe in a “results oriented environment” and that you can do more and learn more with other like minded individuals completing tasks and reaching goals together.

My goal is to take people that work out alone in the gym, or those that aren’t for sure what to do and  provide them a place they can come to and know that after a few weeks or months that they have the opportunity to accomplish their goal, accomplish something that is real and can help their own health and well-being

That’s better than working out alone, and that’s something we can do together

Holiday weight gain is over

gaining weight for 2012 is over – now 2013 is time to start getting in shape

If you don’t have a workout that’s a problem – if you joined a gym and don’t know what to do, that’s a problem

I used to work at a big gym and I was the “middle man” there – that was a problem for me as well


Ellipticals and cheap training – not in 2013

My thoughts on being cheap