30min GT Boot Camps

GT Fitness is where I do my workouts in Bowling Green – I use and prefer 30-45 min circuit workouts designed to attack your body fat & get you conditioned to take on Spring and Summer or just life in general.

You don’t have to spend two hours at the gym doing 10,000 crunches to get your abs or body in shape, all you need is a good structured workout.  Coupled with my GT 10 day food challenge  you can see results in days

Each workout is different and can be customized to fit your fitness level, also you can take it home or to your gym, so there is every opportunity to make a difference

Get Toned Sunrise Boot-camp

get toned lunch bootcamp

GT Roc Boot Camp

Stop by the studio or message me for the GT Boot Camp workouts and the 10 day ($10) food challenge

Remember this is designed to be quick, simple & to the point

Here are some workout examples:

example of 30min workouts


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