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How many calories should I eat a day?

How many calories a day?

One of the most popular questions I get daily

I say every human needs to consume around 1800-2200 calories a day to live.  If you are a smaller person you can eat less, if you are a bigger person eat more, if you are highly active person eat more as well.

A quick and easy way to estimate this daily caloric need is to divide your weight in kilograms (bodyweight/2.2) multiply by 35 and minus 550

I weigh about 165lbs/2.2  = 75kg  *35  = 2625calories    -550  = 2075 daily calories

My calorie goal is 2075

You have to move to burn calories, you have to eat well to burn body fat, then rest and repeat



Your 100% and the “get fit” wagon

The first month of workouts is behind us.  We are looking at about 16 more weeks till the weather warms up enough that people will be going outside and feeling self-conscious about their well-being.  By the time February rolls around and you hit the Superbowl, most people fall off the “get fit” wagon.

January 1st we measured in Body Fat % and total inches on our waist here at the studio.  After 4wks I expect around 4lbs-8lbs weight loss average and 2″-4″ inches lost as well.

Today we start to measure out and after this week I will set a different measurement  for next month.  I have already promised a few that we would track Hips so after Feb, getting closer to the March madness we will be working out to burn some extra body fat and measure our hips to see what results we can get.

It takes effort

great effort = great results



Gaining weight is better than losing weight – always

Think about it this way – when you start a new workout program to lose “body fat” you are focused on a number like -5lbs, -10lbs,

“I want to lose -20lbs then I will be ok”

Try this instead, focus on how much stronger you are getting in the gym, look at the 5lbs weights you are lifting with your arms, You will look a lot better when you can lift 20lbs with those arms!!

It’s hard to get your body in shape if you don’t lift weights and do things to make the muscles work and shape up.  Cardio alone (walking, jogging, biking) won’t get it done sufficiently as weights and cardio combined will

I believe strong is the new skinny and by gaining more strength lifting weights you will help burn more calories and lose the body fat which is whats really wanted, a lower overall BF%


Just choose one

Here are the top 5 changes people have made at the studio to help them lose more body fat

  1. Get more sleep
  2. Reduce starches and carbs
  3. Just show up (to the workouts)
  4. Spend less money and buy less food at the grocery
  5. Start eating breakfast
This is what has worked for us and hopefully some of these will help you too.
You can’t lose fat if you never start trying.  The weight won’t lift itself, just choose one and get started
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Just choose one


Here are the top 5 changes people have made at the studio to help them lose more body fat

  1. Get more sleep
  2. Reduce starches and carbs
  3. Just show up (to the workouts)
  4. Spend less money and buy less food at the grocery
  5. Start eating breakfast
This is what has worked for us and hopefully some of these will help you too.
You can’t lose fat if you never start trying.  The weight won’t lift itself, just choose one and get started


What you weigh is overrated

As a personal trainer I don’t care what you weigh – now if you have 50lbs of extra body fat you carry around by all means lets lose some weight

I believe body fat and your body type are more important to your physique and well-being than just your weight alone

I tell all my female clients to be @30% BF or below – male clients @20% BF  or below

Food, failure and success

Completed another 10 day food challenge and it’s been the best thing for me, not because I lost weight but I have learned more about psychology and people than I ever thought I would.  When I first put the challenge guidelines together I was looking primarily for a way to help people cut back on extra carbs, starches, and sugar to lose water weight and burn more body fat.

I myself appreciate a challenge every once in a while but when I propose to some people a challenge to eat more fruits & vegetables, more seeds, nuts, protein & seafood the look I get and barriers that I have to hurdle to convince them its a good thing, its a challenge within itself.  One that I am welcome to and can’t wait to do again

Every end is a new beginning




Your weight, it fluctuates

Since Monday I’ve had a 5lb weight fluctuation and today I am down those 5lbs instead of up.  The best time to weigh is first thing in the morning after you use the bathroom before you get in the shower (jay-bird nekkad)

Typically people fluctuate 2-8lbs any given day, but when people start to be accountable for nutrition that variation will flow about 2-4lbs.

My favorite day to weigh is Monday, if your down on Monday then you will be down for the week, if your up 3lbs on Monday, then you will have work two or three days to get those few extra pounds off.

Most humans retain water if they eat sodium and carbs, if you eat less sodium and carbs you can quite possible store less water

Depending on your body type (endomorph, ectomorph, mesomorph) you could retain more or less water depending on what you eat for the day.

One of the biggest advantages of the 10 day food challenge is to establish good eating habits that you can reflect and narrow down your fluctuations.

I believe your diet is what you are, not what you do.

If you don’t know your fluctuation weigh 4x a week, you will find it

Why this personal trainer never gives his clients a DIET

bc I don’t like diets  -a diet is what you are, not what you do.

When people start a typical weight loss program, they “go on a diet,” most people make it a physical event where they stop eating cakes, cookies, pizza, and any other so called “bad” food for a period of time.  Some people “on a diet” will turn the other cheek to certain foods they love while deep down inside they are about to die because they want a doughnut so bad!!

If you are on a diet, STOP!!

People who are in shape and have a good percentage of body fat don’t “diet”

You have to learn how to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy, you don’t know what you don’t know

Here’s a short list of  healthy foods – I hope there is something you like

You vs.You

One of the hardest things to grasp for some people is the “diet” part of losing body fat weight

I have it broken down for you over 10 days that I can assure you will succeed

It’s you vs. you & I’m on your side