Blog Archives

Behind closed doors



The average person that eats at night watching tv consumes an extra 500 calories a night.  That can lead to over 3lbs fat gain for the month just by snacking at night.


Food for thought


What inquiring minds want to know about getting toned

Here is a list of hits I’ve gotten on my website up to this year and what topic people are coming to read about

I think this is great because I believe most people do not train or eat correctly for their body type and therefore they get frustrated and go on to just accept the fact they are overweight and give up doing anything about it

They quit the “healthy bandwagon”

Search Views
body types 8,517
body shape 1,072
body type 1,006
body image 673
body 621
male body types 270
fitspo 268
fat vs muscle 194


Food, failure and success

Completed another 10 day food challenge and it’s been the best thing for me, not because I lost weight but I have learned more about psychology and people than I ever thought I would.  When I first put the challenge guidelines together I was looking primarily for a way to help people cut back on extra carbs, starches, and sugar to lose water weight and burn more body fat.

I myself appreciate a challenge every once in a while but when I propose to some people a challenge to eat more fruits & vegetables, more seeds, nuts, protein & seafood the look I get and barriers that I have to hurdle to convince them its a good thing, its a challenge within itself.  One that I am welcome to and can’t wait to do again

Every end is a new beginning




Sharp Curves Ahead


Everybody has a body shape of some sort – some of us have more curves while others are stick thin with no features.

My point is that if you go through this


bc every body type has an opportunity to be a fit, sexy, body type, you can be this too – HAPPY!!


Feast or Famine – life of a Personal Trainer

My best month of total fat loss as a personal trainer was 212lbs/fat January of 2009

This month in June we may not hit more than -50lbs/fat for the whole month

I’m actually proud of that, most my clients have been on VACATION and having FUN!!!

GT Fitness Studio – Tues Leg Day #GTfitBG

check out today’s leg workout – we are using a 1:00/1:00 bell for our sets utilizing quads and calfs.

This workout repeated twice should burn over 500kcals in under 30mins if done at moderate pace


Frozen Dinners

I have talked about “pre-packaged meals” since 2001 and the first thing I do to help new clients lose body fat (endomorphs, mesomorphs) is to stop them eating these poor quality meals.

I’m so glad to hear mainstream media talking about this food subject and when I came across this pic I had to post it.

What would happen if you only ate fruits and vegetables for lunch over 10 days?


What Evokes You?

a “challenge” evokes the body’s fight or flight response to a stressful situation


– after this months fitness challenge I know of a few people who choose to stand and battle Life with me – I thank you