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Training for your body type – Endomoprhs

I teach about 3 distinct body types when I meet new clients or when people have questions about their body fat.  Knowing what your body type is and how to eat, train, and sleep accordingly is one of the most important and most overlooked aspects of personal training and getting in shape.


We all lift weights, we all do cardio, we all participate in the same 5k’s but what sets us apart is how we train and what training our body type responds too.  Endomorphs need to focus on bigger sets, with more intensity and a fast training pace

Having good nutrition is of course important too, endomorphs need to focus on eating more fruits and vegetables, more complex carbs and more lean high quality protein.   YOU have to cut out the junk food and sweets because the endomorph body type easily converts extra calories to stored energy, and that is not what we want to do!!

Workout programs, diets, and personal trainers fail because people do not eat & train for their body type, what they do is train by doing something somebody else already did and think it will work bc its in the magazine or on t.v

What inquiring minds want to know about getting toned

Here is a list of hits I’ve gotten on my website up to this year and what topic people are coming to read about

I think this is great because I believe most people do not train or eat correctly for their body type and therefore they get frustrated and go on to just accept the fact they are overweight and give up doing anything about it

They quit the “healthy bandwagon”

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What’s the best body type?

What’s the best body type?

Best body type for what?





having babies?

The answer my friend is always…. depends!!

There are 3 distinct body types   & depending on your genetics or what your parent’s body types were will determine what you are blessed with (or cursed as some people feel).

I get into discussions with all kinds of different people saying they have hips like grandma or thighs like the aunty, the kicker is they are all great bodies!!

Females naturally hold about 15% body fat and males about 8% (for organ function) and any extra like 20%-40% is TOO FAT!!

That’s why you’re unhappy, not because you have big hips or flabby arms, but because you may have a little too much body fat stored in places you don’t want it.

Your body is Beautiful

Sharp Curves Ahead


Everybody has a body shape of some sort – some of us have more curves while others are stick thin with no features.

My point is that if you go through this


bc every body type has an opportunity to be a fit, sexy, body type, you can be this too – HAPPY!!


Know Your Body Type: Measure and Re-Measure

Holiday season is here and people’s focus will shift back to how overweight they are what they’re going to do about it.  When you go to the office parties and family dinners you will see and hear everyone’s excuse for their poor physical health.

If you are currently working out alone then now is the time you want to have your body measured.  Take the time to measure hips, thighs, abs, chest and arms and if you can have a Fit Coach assess your body fat composition.  Knowing what body type you have (endomorph, ectmorph, mesomorph) and how your body fat and muscle mass is distributed is the key to formulating a workout routine that will yield RESULTS

Measuring is the time when you can critique how your training program is fairing.  You don’t know where you are going if you don’t know where you been.  You have to obtain measuring points so you can compare.  Comparisons will help you determine the course of action for the next 4-6wks.  Adjustments will have to be made to nutrition intake and workout regime in order for the body to respond and adapt the positive changes you working towards.

If you have never measured or want to be re-measured schedule a time with me Monday – Friday a.m. or p.m.

Get measured – Get results

When you go to your Christmas party, they will have lots of questions for you!!

GT Get Fit Tip: Your Body Type in Video

Watch this video to see your body type – these are different names to describe the same Ectomorph, Endomorph and Mesomorph bodies

Knowing what your type is can help you make better decisions on how you eat and exercise

GT Get Fit Tip: Be Your Best Body Type

Illustration of obesity and waist circumferenc...

Image via Wikipedia

The fog was rolling this morning, the air is getting cooler.  Football season is here and the Bears started off HOT HOT first game of the year ( Bears over Falcons 30-12)

The best time of year?

Some will argue that it is, I despise the frigid temps, but will suck it up for some good football

The cooler weather also signals in our bodies that its time to eat and gain body fat for winter.  Fat, although looking terrible on our abs and hips, does serve that purpose to protect and keep us warm.

Summer time is peak season and time to enjoy the body you worked for all winter.  Once fall gets here, “hunger cues” will commence,  and you’ll be overwhelmed with propensities to eat more calories.

This is natural for warm-blooded animals, what is also natural is how your body will store that fat,  ectomorphs, endomorphs and mesomorphs will store fat in different ways and in different areas of the body.  Your genetics from parents will determine how and where you store the EXTRA fat.

Mesopmorphs:  trouble areas can be around the hips around the love handles but usually compensated by more muscle build and a “V” shape upper body with a tapered waist.  A natural muscular frame keeps the metabolism up and excess fat storage is usually not prominent.

Ectomorphs:  fat stores typically are evenly distributed throughout the body frame although the physique may appear soft and “skinny fat”.   Ecto’s are longer, taller people and won’t store much excess body fat or pack on extra muscle.  Trouble areas can vary but due to the naturally lean body the real trick is to keep your body fat % under 28% for females and 15% for male body frames

Endomorphs: these are the hardest types of bodies to deal with, they can and will store body fat at the drop of the hat, these types can walk by a buffet and gain 4 lbs.   Trouble areas tend to be around the abs, hips, and thighs.  Fat stores can be in excess and can typically give the person a “round” or “pudgy” frame.  They can have broad shoulders and hips and with the extra muscle mass and fat storage around the bones the weight or mass can pack on heavily to this powerhouse frame.

We all have some sort of combination of the three body types listed above.  You may tend to be more dominantly tall or muscular but make no mistake about it, how you eat and what exercises you do or don’t do can determine how much extra fat you store on your frame regardless of what type of body you have.

Check out these pics to get a better idea of what body type you have

GT Get Fit Tip: Endomorph Body Type

Endomorph body types store fat around the hips and thighs easily

-you think about banana pudding and gain 2lbs

– eat light, eat often #GTfit