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Quick history of Bowling Green

I have always wondered about the name “Bowling Green” and how it originated – one story goes it stemmed from a game played in the downtown square lawn similar to “bowling on the green”

My only question with that – What was the town called when they were playing their game?

Heres what I found on the website

 Bowling Green began with the establishment of a trading post on the Barren River known as McFadden’s Station in about 1785. Earlier, in 1775, thirteen long hunters had carved their names on a beech tree at another Barren River crossing.  

Warren County was formed from Logan County in 1796 and became the twenty-fourth county in Kentucky. 

In the early 1790’s, Robert Moore built a cabin near a large spring in central Warren County not far from the Barren River. 

March 1798 a board of commissioners named the town Bowling Green. 


Any thoughts or explanations are very welcome

the workout, the grump and happy people

#1 reason to lose weight and body fat

#1 Because YOU can!!!

Here are 10 reasons why you say you can’t

  1. I don’t have time
  2. I don’t have energy
  3. I don’t know what to do
  4. too lazy/scared to ask for help
  5. my Boss won’t let me
  6. good t.v. shows on
  7. my joints hurt
  8. my spouse/kids come first
  9. wont give up sugar/sweets
  10. I’m embarrassed of myself in front of people and too mentally/socially weak to change

Today’s the day to make your decision to change your lifestyle and habits.  It doesn’t have to happen in 3 days, give yourself time to make small changes that add up to big results.  Don’t wait for a health scare like diabetes, heart attack, stroke to get you going, make it happen NOW

Real weight loss – this is not a fad

this is real weight loss – it happens over time, you have to eat, you have to workout, you have to recover and then do it again (congrats SuzanN!!)

real weight loss

Personal Trainer’s number one recommendation: eat more PROTEIN

most my clients DO NOT eat enough protein!!

eat more fish

eat more seeds

eat more nuts

eat more beef

eat more chicken

eat more dairy

eat more cheese

eat more seafood

also eat more bean, legumes soy & grains


I believe you can eat over half your weight in grams of protein: Example you weigh 150lbs you should eat about 80g of protein a day

here are some ideas of how much protein is in some foods we eat

8 ounces milk or yogurt: 8 – 16 grams protein, depending on the type
1/2 cup cooked beans or tofu: 8 grams protein
1 ounce meat/fish/chicken/cheese (the leaner the meat, the more protein and the fewer calories): 7 grams protein
1 large egg: 7 grams protein
1/2 cup cooked or one ounce dry (1 slice bread) grain: 3 grams protein
1/2 cup cooked or one cup raw vegetables: 2 grams protein

if you build more muscle tissue you can burn more calories and fat by increasing your metabolism ( every pound of muscle gain equals about 35-50 calorie burn extra per day).  You need the protein, you need the amino acids (broken down protein) you need to eat more!!!

Also you need to workout, let me know if you need any help




the reason why you will lose more weight in 2014 – in one chart

the reason why you will lose more weight in 2014 – in one chart


with new fitness apps and social media you will want to fit in or be ahead of all your friends – you won’t want to be the one that looks lazy

It’s personal training

Saw this pic and its another reminder to myself about what I do day in and day out.

I love personal training & feel its my job to help people do what they don’t want to so they can achieve something they want (like a healthy body, mind and spirit)

That’s what I want – the trick for me is to find out what you really need & to help you get what you want

Split ends, brittle nails, there’s food for that

Giving a talk this morning at the beauty college, they are talking about nutrition and asked me to come over. Here are my notes

Hair & Nails

Vit C ( asorbic acid )
– reduces split ends, supports growth

Eat: peppers, leafy vegetables, broccoli, Tomoatoes

Biotin – Vit H ( B Vitamins) -helps metabolize protien to keep nails strong
Eat: eggs, nuts, whole grain, mushrooms

Iron & Zinc – minerals for hair loss and brittle
Eat: Chicken, beef, turkey, spinach

Your doctor says to exercise, so what?

so what? go sew buttons on your underwear is what I was told!

Something I been thinking about, I had a surgeon who once worked out with me & when ObamaCare was being talked about he kinda took offense to it.

His point on Obesity was that surgeons or “doctors” would get to the point to where they won’t admit or even call on obese patients bc of the liability of them not taking initiative and following through with their care plan. The way I understood his argument was that the new plan was to pay healthcare providers based on performance or outcomes of the treatment groups. He didn’t like this idea and I could see his frustration

So ObamaCare has tentatively passed and now the fun begins!! I welcome this new age of “care” bc in my opinion Kentucky needs a change from the past – our kids, cancer, education, obesity, heart disease and premature death are the worst in the country and we need CHANGE!! Some of the hospitals may not want you but I do

So to all of you that your doctor said to exercise, I AM READY FOR THIS!!
Are you?

Yes you can eat pizza too!!

we decided today we are kicking off August’s 10 day food challenge with lunch at Mellow Mushroom!!

for everybody who has been on a diet before have you ever started it off with pizza?

I love pizza and can argue my point at how wholesome, fresh and nourishing it is for you any time you please

If your “diet” says NO pizza then I’m telling you that you need a new approach to eating lunch

If you’re not busy next Wed please join us for a bite to eat – we always eat good!!