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The price you pay for fitness

Personal training is too expensive!!

Since I started personal training 2001 I have heard this so many times!!

I usually don’t argue or try to sell people bc if they are shopping price then they probably aren’t  just ready yet to commit to fitness.

That’s not always true with every person, for all the real salesman out there that know “Selling 101″ I am probably missing it by a long shot but I’m not a salesman, I am a trainer!!

When a perspective clients calls and wants to know price I tell them $99 consultation fee and monthly workout fees or $5 single sessions they sometimes say wow, “that’s too expensive – Why do you have a $99 fee, can you waive that?”

My reply is NO, because I have to know your health history, you goals, your measurements, strengths and weakness.  I just can’t throw you to the wolves and expect you to start losing body fat day 1, there is a process I have to show you, I need to teach you about nutrition for your body and how to workout properly  – other “workout places” waive fees bc they don’t care if you come or not, it’s just a numbers game to them.  Heck some places don’t care if you even get hurt, they have physical therapists waiting because they know you will!!

GT is different, my well-being depends on you succeeding, if you don’t show up, I don’t feed my family

We need a car to get to work, and get around in, this is what we need



This is what we really want and try to get if we can




If you think paying personal training or GT Fitness is “too expensive” I have 4 questions to ask you

  1. Is there an unhealthy habit you can remove from your life to make room for your wellness goals?
  2. How much do you spend eating out a month? Can you go out 2x less a month, so you can afford your wellness/body fat goals?
  3. How much can you afford, I can make a package to suit your financial needs?
  4. What’s $xx off of your pay check?

Let’s face it, sometimes people just want a deal!!

I got one of those if you want



Any questions or concerns please email me, Twitter @NuckolsD, or Facebook David Nuckols – GT Fitness

It’s only been 10 months

last two months of the year coming up, so far through Oct

  • our best person lost 124 lbs in 7 months
  • 12yr old is down 15lbs in 3 months this month
  • older lady with neurological muscle disease is getting balance/strength back & losing weight
  • had 3 great pregnancies (one labor lasted only 4hrs)
  • had successful neck & shoulder surgeries come back to workout
  • battled 2 bouts of cancer again this year and made it
  • met some wonderful people from Edmonson Co
  • rowed 833,561 meters in a monthly challenge (one guy did 100,000m alone)
  • did a lunge challenge in May (a lady did over 1600 extra lunges)
  • did a few mud runs and played wiffle ball
  • had some clients I meet years ago come back to the studio
  • pissed some people off (of course)
  • lost a few clients to some “gyms” (figure they will be back too) ((again))

I say its been a GREAT year so far & HEY we still got 2 months to go!!! 

#1 reason to lose weight and body fat

#1 Because YOU can!!!

Here are 10 reasons why you say you can’t

  1. I don’t have time
  2. I don’t have energy
  3. I don’t know what to do
  4. too lazy/scared to ask for help
  5. my Boss won’t let me
  6. good t.v. shows on
  7. my joints hurt
  8. my spouse/kids come first
  9. wont give up sugar/sweets
  10. I’m embarrassed of myself in front of people and too mentally/socially weak to change

Today’s the day to make your decision to change your lifestyle and habits.  It doesn’t have to happen in 3 days, give yourself time to make small changes that add up to big results.  Don’t wait for a health scare like diabetes, heart attack, stroke to get you going, make it happen NOW

Real weight loss – this is not a fad

this is real weight loss – it happens over time, you have to eat, you have to workout, you have to recover and then do it again (congrats SuzanN!!)

real weight loss

the reason why you will lose more weight in 2014 – in one chart

the reason why you will lose more weight in 2014 – in one chart


with new fitness apps and social media you will want to fit in or be ahead of all your friends – you won’t want to be the one that looks lazy

When is the best time to weigh?

I recommend weighing every morning – reason is you can see your weight fluctuations from day to day – and you can see HOW and WHY its fluctuating based on what you ate the day before- when you know why its fluctuating you can do things to keep it going down instead of up!!

6 pack Abs – it’s more than just a workout

back to school time: I am thinking of a class to offer here at the studio – if you like this or have any ideas let me know

6 pack Abs – it’s more than just a workout -each 50min session is broken down into nutrition education and workouts to maximize your ability to learn about the right foods to eat and burn the maximum amount of calories

We are what we eat

Being a personal trainer my main focus and most enjoyment comes from doing workouts and helping people build strength and confidence in their own body and abilities.

On the flip side you can’t workout good and eat bad, nutrition is paramount in everything we do.  You can’t outwork a bad diet, if you don’t eat right you wont maximize gains/

Taking a positive approach let me say that the eating part for me is the easiest, but for most my clients it’s where they fall short and have the biggest problem.

If we eat too much or too little our body will store fat.  Eat more calories and lift weights the body will want to build muscle. Skip meals & you increase cortisol production and store more body fat. Eat light & often you can keep your thermogenic burn going and keep your metabolism revved up throughout the day.

The trick is then to eat lite, eat often with lean high quality protein, fruits & vegetables, seeds and nuts with good fats

We are what we eat, What are you?

Something we can do together

Being alone at the gym is no fun.  If you are like me you  want to get in and get a good workout but also like to see and interact with people.  Walking around aimlessly not knowing what to do is the worst feeling.

If you show up regularly you will see the same people doing the same exercises each and every time .  You will see guys doing arm curls, some other guys doing bench & shoulder press.  Most the girls are on the elliptical & treadmills or over on the side doing some Ab machines.

When I was a personal trainer at the gym I would see new people all the time walk around not knowing what to do or even how to work the machines and if they did spend 20-30mins doing something they could have done a few more specific things to get more calorie burn out of their time.  It was my job to help these people but It came with a price.

Personal trainers  usually charge by the hour ($30-$99)  and its hard for every day people to pay that kind of price to put their body through some pain.  I enjoy group training bc its more fun to be with others and we can feed off each others energy.

I believe in a “results oriented environment” and that you can do more and learn more with other like minded individuals completing tasks and reaching goals together.

My goal is to take people that work out alone in the gym, or those that aren’t for sure what to do and  provide them a place they can come to and know that after a few weeks or months that they have the opportunity to accomplish their goal, accomplish something that is real and can help their own health and well-being

That’s better than working out alone, and that’s something we can do together

Food for thought
