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Get Toned tip: Don’t eat till you are full

Too much of a good thing is still too much even when the food is good for you

Instead try eating enough, stop before you are full

Eating extra fruit and vegetables is healthy but may not reduce weight

5 things you should know about protein powder

Proteins is what muscle is made of, and when you break down protein you get amino acids.

What protein powder do you use?

Was it on sale or recommended by the salesperson at the store or the beefcake at the gym?

Is it from a reputable company?

Here’s 5 things you need to know or think about before buying and ingesting protein powder

1.   20g of protein per serving is enough, any more than that will be converted to triglycerides and stored as fat

2.  there are only a few company’s that actually manufacture all protein powders sold in the US – they sale that powder to smaller companies like myself and we put on our label and call it whatever we want, here a few examples




3.  When protein is manufactured in the USA our FDA requires it to be “pasteurized” or heated – the heating kills germs, bacteria and changes the molecular structure of the protein and it loses some  of its benefit and absorption rate

4.  GMO laws are less strict in the USA – most manufacturers want to make a profit so they go for the cheapest “protein source” GMO is big business and makes the most profit margins so most the proteins used are from cheap, genetically altered cows or animals

5.  The only reason to even take extra protein is for the amino acids –  the major source of amino acids from manufacturers is Keratin, the cheapest source they can find is from hair, nails, claws, and animal fur!!!


My point is next time you run out of protien powder and go back to the store to get more, the salesperson will probably show you something better than ever before!!

HAHA, HAHA, HAHA yeah right!!

It’s the same BS you bought last time but with a different colored label

Check yourself before you wreck yourself (your kidneys and liver will last longer)


What’s your mood right now, after lunch?

What you eat or don’t eat for that matter could effect your mood after lunch and the rest of your work day


How What You Eat Affects Your Mood


Eating good food promotes overall health and well being, but what you eat may also impact how you feel. Research suggests that not only can the food you eat affect your mood, but that your mood may influence the foods you choose to consume.


Enjoying a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, wholegrain cereals, legumes, low-fat dairy, lean meat and oily fish, for instance, is associated with reductions in mood swings, depression and anxiety.

And the opposite holds for a diet based on foods high in refined sugar (think lollies), one that combines high levels of sugar and fat (cakes, for instance, or pastries), or involves high intakes of caffeine or alcohol.

Highs and lows

Basically, the nutrients found in healthy foods appear to work together to cause the brain to produce the “feel-good hormone” serotonin, which is associated with improved mood and feelings of relaxation.

And eating foods that maintain a steady blood-sugar level within the appropriate range, such as whole grain cereals, helps to stabilize mood. But how does your mood affect the foods you select?

Results of research on the connection between food selection and poor mood are reasonably consistent — people in a negative frame of mind are more likely to choose sugary, fatty or salty — indulgence or comfort — foods rather than nutritious ones.

Indulgence foods may boost energy and improve mood in the short-term but these positive effects are usually fleeting. For some people, such effects can often be followed by guilt (because we know those foods aren’t good for us) and a consequent drop in mood. This can trigger more bad eating and set up a vicious circle.

Better ways of overcoming negative thoughts include exercising, which has been shown to improve mood by reducing anxiety and stress, or doing fun things such as watching a film, listening to music, or visiting friends. Such activities not only enhance mood, but also assist with controlling indulgence food intake.

The right frame of mind

The connection between food selection and positive mood (if there is one) is still unclear.

Research suggests people in a good mood are more likely to prefer nutritious foods that are low in sugar, salt, and fat, and to focus on the long-term benefits of these healthy foods. But other studies point to the potential for people in a good mood consuming comfort foods, or overeating.

There’s also evidence suggesting some people in a positive mood are more likely to choose healthy foods if they feel their good mood is going to last. If not, they may be more likely to choose indulgence foods to sustain positive feelings.

Other research indicates that regardless of mood, long-term, future-focused thinking can lead to healthier food choices. And there’s evidence for gender differences in the effects of mood on consumption of comfort foods.

One study found that women are more likely to eat indulgence foods when they’re feeling depressed, lonely or guilty. While men are more likely to turn to soups, pasta and steaks as a reward when they’re feeling upbeat.

In the driver’s seat

Clearly, these relationships are complicated but which is likely to be the stronger driver — mood or food? In other words, does the consumption of particular foods lead to mood changes, or is our mood generally the predominant factor in determining the food we choose to eat?

Research suggests the foods we consume may be of paramount importance, and that what’s eaten today may affect mood a couple of days later.

This association was stronger for negative moods, so consumption of excessive energy (kilojoules), saturated fat, and sodium was associated with a worse mood two days later.

The association between eating fruits and vegetables one day and being in a positive mood the next day was stronger for men, but mood was lifted in both men and women after they ate vegetables.

What, then, can we conclude from the current evidence about the relationship between food and mood?

Well, research has highlighted some interesting (and complex!) relationships that we’re only now starting to tease out. What we can say with confidence is that eating a well-balanced diet may confer not only physical health benefits, but also better mental health through improved mood.

Read more:

Read more:

Spring allergy relief

here’s a great article from USA Today about things you can do at home for allergies



Kim Painter, Special for USA TODAY6:02 a.m. EDT April 20, 2014

Sneezing, congestion, runny noses and itchy eyes. For people with seasonal nasal allergies — commonly known as hay fever — these symptoms are nothing new. They are as predictable as the explosion of tree pollen happening now in many parts of the country and the bursts of grass and ragweed pollens still to come.

But when it comes to treating those symptoms, there is some news this year.

First, consumers can now buy one kind of allergy medicine, a steroid nasal spray, without a prescription. Nasacort is the first drug in that class to make it to drugstore shelves.

Second, the Food and Drug Administration has just approved the first two of several dissolvable pills that may replace allergy shots for some patients. The pills contain grass pollen extracts and, taken over time, will help some patients build up tolerance – without having to return to a doctor’s office for months or years of injections.

But those medications are not the first things to try, doctors say. In fact, some tried and true strategies don’t involve medication at all. Among them:

• Pay attention to pollen counts. “In many parts of the country, pollen counts are highest between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. and start to rise again after dusk,” says Michael Foggs, an allergy specialist in Chicago and president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Fit in your jog or gardening between those peaks or right after a cleansing rain, he suggests.

FDA changing food labels, easier to make better choices

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration is stepping up its effort in the fight of Obesity by changing the food labels on food and beverages.  The new tactic will place more emphasis on serving size, added sugar, vitamins and calories per serving

newfood lables

“You as a parent and a consumer should be able to walk into your local grocery store, pick up an item off the shelf, and be able to tell whether it’s good for your family,” first lady Michelle Obama said in a press release. “So this is a big deal, and it’s going to make a big difference for families all across this country.”

The American Heart associations recommends 150 kcals of sugar of or 9 teaspoons daily, for women it’s 100 kcals or 6 teaspoons of sugar a day.  The chemical sugar they add to products is the same but now the focus will be on how much sugar is added.  Americans are getting way more sugar than they need and hardly realize what total amount they do get.

Fat labeling is also being slimmed down by taking away “calories from Fat” and utilizing the breakdown of good fats and bad fats on the label.  Food companies will also be responsible to label how much of vitamins and minerals like Vit D (for bone health), are in their product along with the FDA adding another 25 categories that weren’t around 20 years ago.

I’m excited for the new change, especially here in KY, anything that will help people understand what they consume and inform them on what the better choices are will only lead to better education and self-improvement.  We need that in KENTUCKY!!

Real weight loss is Fat, not mass

Another 10 Day Food Challenge is coming to an end, and we will be measuring out to track progress.  I didn’t make the challenge up to be about losing weight, I made it to help people be more accountable & thoughtful about how they are eating to nourish thier body, as a result you WILL lose weight and inches compared to what you were doing before & it works!!

Average person will drop 3lbs.-5lbs. of mass in 10 days and lose 2″-4″ in the Abs & hips – that’s a significant difference for any body

Weight loss can be defined as MASS – mass can be divided up into water, fat, muscle, skin, hair, clothes, shoes, pants, so on and so on.   Losing the weight is easy if yo take off shoes, or starve yourself for a week, but losing FAT weight takes a little more effort

A 10 Day Food Challenge isn’t a cure all and the answer to all the weight problems but a way to get you focused and doing the little things that add up to real fat loss

Check out this picture of 2yrs weight loss, see the ups and downs, that how it works


What’s best for helping people lose weight and get toned

Heres a video with Cindy and Lisabeth talking about food, weight loss, LIFE, and the 10DFC

They are doing a “21 day Course in weight loss”  with video’s and a blog to leave comments on

They are also coming into the studio and doing some freaking great workouts and giving me an interview & opportunity to say what I believe is best for helping people lose weight and get toned.

I think they are doing a great job on both fronts with the web videos and workouts, and appreciate all they do

here is the website

21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever by Marianne Williamson

Why do you workout?



hey hey hey!!

its Valentines Day, eat chocolate,eat sweet-tarts, go out to eat tonight with your honey boo boo and ENJOY it!!!! enjoy every bite, every drop, every minute of this day and don’t worry about kcals, thats what the hell we work out for!!!

These diets work if you eat less than the day before

Some of y’all might know this, and some of y’all don’t
Some of y’all might be with this, and some of y’all won’t
But listen, let me clear my throat ~DJ KOOL

Zija this, Sensa that, Nutri-system, South Beach, Atkins, Oz, GNC, Vitamin-world, Zone diet, Weigh Watchers, Blood type diet, Daniel Diet just to name a few (here’s 100 more diets) 

All of these “diets” are designed to get you to do one thing — EAT LESS

More importantly they want you to purchase their products and make them money in the process.

If they all worked, or if any one of them worked better than the rest then there would be no other option.  (Don’t forget the Dr’s diets & pills)

These diet plans don’t want you to be successful, NO NO NO – if you won then they would lose all their business, one client at a time.  That would be silly of them don’t you think (Steve Jobs Iphone3, 3G, 4, 4S, & 5)

It’s called a “hook, line & sinker” most people are so far off the eating spectrum (not eating fruits & vegetables) that once they curb their 4000-7000 daily calorie intake and use their featured product, they lose a little weight, best thing that’s happened since sliced bread they think, and IT WAS EASY!!

It’s a new year, do yourself a favor, eat less processed foods in 2014

eating this way makes you sick

How to help control heartburn

Question:  A lemon is acidic or alkaline?

Most people will say that a lemon is acidic, when in actuality it is alkaline.

Foods that we digest gets to our stomach and helps create more acid (increase heart burn and indigestion) or the food can also help to neutralize the acid ph in our bodies.

Naturally our body stays around a 7PH – when we move or increase muscle contractions our muscular system will give off lactic acid and therefore increase the PH of our body to a higher acidic level.

ph scale of the human body

ph scale of the human body

The better shape a person is in the better ability they have to buffer lactic acid.  What separates recreational weekend warriors from Olympic athletes and professionals is the ability to move and buffer lactic acid

If you eat good “quality” foods but have a lot of heart burn then you could be eating too many acidic food and not know it, here is a list of foods and their PH scale to help control some heartburn

foods and thier ph scale

foods and thier ph scale