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Is that why “red meat” is bad for you?

Raw Ground beef

Image via Wikipedia

When’s the last time you ate a fast food burger?  Are you waiting for ground beef to go on sale at the grocery?  Did your kiddos eat at the school cafeteria , have you checked the menu lately?

“Pink Slime” is whats being served in most school districts.  The slime is essentially the glue holding the meat together.  Its not really glue but it can’t be much worse!!

Saving THREE CENTS a pound off production costs and making $440 million/year in revenue the FDA has allowed the beef industry use fatty slaughterhouse trimmings treated with ammonia as a filler in ground beef.

Is that why some critics say that “red meat” is bad for you?

In January fast food restaurants stopped serving pink slime, I wonder what Bowling Green schools serve, does anybody know?

Here is a quick newscast from Denver I found about the pink slime zqak7r04

Ammonia-Treated Pink Slime Now in Most U.S. Ground Beef

Safety of Beef Processing Method Is Questioned

Thoughts on Fitness

-Being consistent over time is what matters most in fitness – not what you did 3 days ago.

-You can’t fall off the wagon if you were never moving in the first place

-Don’t put other people over yourself when you’re the one that hurts most

-You can make excuses and be miserable with what life hands you

– or Live to Give

IGOT SOME if You Need it

GREAT NEWS – she listened and WON!! the “science” of Weight Loss(-4lbs)


Had a consultation the other day and I applied the latest research on sugar I learned just days before to a client that had hit a 4wk plateau in weight loss.

She lost 8lbs and 6 inches the first 6wks  (see video) but didnt lose anything the last 4wks.  I looked at her nutrition and made a 300 calorie suggestion on her intake and talked to her about the SUGAR she was consuming in her diet.  For her the changes were simple bc I knew where her metabolism was and what the  “science” of her body was telling us.

1 week later, 2 days before she leaves for the beach during Fall Break, she messaged me on FaceBook and said that it worked and she is down 4lbs MORE!!!


GT Get Fit Tip: Body Mass – How Much Do You Really Weigh?

Heavier one pound of blubber, blood sucking, jelly roll of fat, or a pound of lean, toned,  “fat” burning muscle?

When you talk about body mass or total weight your actually talking about two different things = fat vs muscle.  Lean body mass of the body is made up of bones, organs, muscle and water.

Fat mass is all the weight in fat that’s left over.  Depending on height, age and sex yourBody Mass Index (19-24 optimal)will vary.

My clients often ask how a person who starts an awesome cross training or weight lifting program gain weight before they see a significant loss in body fat?

The answer my friend is because muscle is more dense than fat and fat takes up more room in your pants and shirts.  Muscles also hold water so small increases in lean muscle tissue adds water weight in the initial stages before seeing a big weight or fat loss.

I had one client lose 14inches in her butt, abs and boobs and only 7lbs total.  Muscle will add good weight that is optimal for burning fat when you’re not working out.  Little bit of muscle training will help you to get toned.

Not only will you look and feel better, but live longer.  Being fat will kill you slow and painfully over time, one joint, one organ at a time.  If you need convincing listen to obese people talk about how their feet, knees and back hurt.  Ask somebody who lived with Type II Diabetes for more than 8yrs staying overweight and have their foot amputated because of high blood sugar.  Know somebody that had a heart attack but continues to be overweight and/or smoke?

Tell them you love them, its only a matter of time before they won’t be around, take it from me,  sooner than you could ever imagine.

STOP obesity!! It kills

All of us can, if you will.

I want This – and you can have some too

Jadever Body Fat Scale. Old version of model J...

Image via Wikipedia

I want to teach people about “body awareness” and how to lose body fat, which starts by “detoxing” the body of extra fats, carbohydrates and sugars.  A person has to be mindful of what goes into the body and how much they want vs. what they need.  There is no other way.

Eat to live, not live to eat.  Choose between quality and quantity.  Quality is more nutritious for the body.  Quantity is to hard on the body because of toxic fat stores.

You have to negate the extra calories (sugar/candy)from the diet if they can not be eaten with control.  You have to be a responsible cookie owner!!

You have to be in control and accountable for your self.  if you think you need help, help yourself.

Self help is the best help.

Save world hunger, eat less Carbs #gettoned

Jason Clay: How big brands can help save biodiversity

One American eats as much as 43 Africans in one lifetime.

Jason Clay is a WWF vice-president who works with big corporations to transform the global markets they operate in, so we can produce more with less land, less water and less pollutionFull bio and more links

If “Protein Powder” worked it wouldn’t be sold at the mall

Do protein powders really work?

Walk into a vitamin shop or “general” nutrition center and you will find a whole wall dedicated to protein powders to build muscle.  Pick up three different containers and each one will have a “special blend” or additive to make it the best choice over the others.

If your confused about what you’re seeing, ask the store clerk about whats best (typically a high school or college student)  and they will point you to the newest or “hottest” selling item.  If your lucky enough to catch the Manager on Duty (maybe a store clerk who has been there over 5 yrs) they can help be more specific about the benefits.

The problem with protein powder is that it wont work unless you workout.  It doesn’t work if your body doesn’t absorb the micronutrients.  It doesn’t work if you don’t have a proper recovery period.

So what does a protein powder do?

Depending on what brand or blend you have all a protein shake does is add extra calories to your day.  You have to have extra calories to add muscle but you also have to have a stimulus or reason to add muscle  –  workout.

I do not pimp out protein powders in my studio.  I do not believe what celebrities say in ads or in magazines.  I have studied all the components of human movement and nutrition during research in graduate school and the effects of protein powder through trial & errors in my own personal life.

I believe in well-balanced diet high in lean, quality protein supplemented with a variety of plant-based carbohydrates.  Equally as important, 20 mins of  structured physical activity most days of the week with friends and family enjoying life.

That’s the key.  A sound physical regiment will improve lean body muscle whether male or female, a muscle will not grow if it doesn’t have to.  There is no better way to spend time than doing something fun with your friends or loved ones.

You have to motivate yourself  to make change to your body.  There is no body like your body.  Everyone must get toned.

Do you think stirring chocolate powder in a glass of milk is  going to cut it?

Reasons to Celebrate


Thats what I work for.  Its EXPECTED.

Back to school time means time to measure.  I have made appointments  starting Tues and Thurs this month.

Make sure you meet with me  and measure to set new goals.  We will train through FALL break and remeasure again.

Now is the time to get your mind right about being fit for Xmas.  What better time to be in your best health then around your family?

get up, get fit, get toned

Drew Carey: Down 80lbs

Drew Carey: “It Sucks Being Fat.”

Funnyman Drew Carey also showed up at the CBS Summer Press Tour Party last night after having lost an astounding 80 pounds through a low carb diet and exercise!

Drew Carey
Photos via BauerGriffin

Wow! He looks amazing.

The newly svelte host of “The Price is Right” showed off his new bod on the red carpet Wednesday night in Beverly Hills, where he told reporters: “It sucks being fat.”

Since losing the weight, “I’m not diabetic anymore. No medication needed.”

And all he had to do was say good-bye to the bread and chips.

“No carbs,” he told People magazine in describing his new diet. “… not even a cracker. No bread at all. No pizza, nothing. No corn, no beans, no starches of any kind. Egg whites in the morning or like, Greek yogurt, cut some fruit.”


“I like being skinny,” says Carey. “I was sick of being fat on the camera. Really, I just got sick of it.”

Empowering the Everyday Woman: #gettoned

If you walk on a treadmill or have a “gym” membership then I wrote this number for you.

Empowered benefits of weight training for women who Get Toned.

  1. Builds Confidence
  2. Burns extra carbs and fat calories when you aren’t working out
  3. Improves your digestion bc you will want to eat healthy to keep your tone
  4. Improves immune system (eat out less, less germs, less disease)
  5. Increases bone density (especially important for ladies over 35)
  6. Improves posture and strengthens core (your love-handles are smaller)
  7. Improves mood (bc you look so damn good)
  8. Lowers blood pressure
  9. Improves muscular endurance (best shape of your peers)
  10. Makes you look good in your swim/birthday suit!